CD Bar Automatic Packaging Machine

(4 Head Smart Head)


  • It is an unmanned automation equipment that automatically tranports and packs CD bar (cold drawn bar) products.
  • Application of dispensers for supply of smart strapping heads & bands
  • Application of automatic dispenser for liner
  • Application of transfer m/c which can collect 3 lots after packing CD bars [Unloading: Crane_Manual Work]
  • Application of wrapper dispenser which can feed wrapper depending on the product information (manual entry)
  • Equipped with 4 types of tapes and application of taping head that can perform the automatic selection taping depending on the product information available
  • Universal packing with single equipment (packed/ unpackaged) available except for wood packaging


  • Category : CD Bar Automatic Packaging Machine
  • Product Type : CD Bar(Cold Drawn Bar)
  • Packing Type : Packing(Wrapping Paper+Band), Unpaved Type(Slip Sheet+Band)
  • Product Specification : Length Min. 2500mm ~ Max. 6000mm Diameter Min. 4mm ~ Max. 58mm Weight Max. 2500kg
  • Packing(Bind) Cycle Time : Packaging product : 2min Unpaved product : 1.5min
  • Packing(Bind) Apply Band : 0.8T x Width 32
  • Band Binding Method : 3point Spot Weld

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